NDHU Activities: SDGs World Cafe (6th Mar 2022)

Hult Prize X A World Project SDGs World Café
"Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" announced by the United Nations, expects the world to address these 17 issues by 2030, including sustainable cities and communities, decent work, and economic growth. This World Café is connected to the theme of the 2022 Hult Prize competition "Getting the world back to work". Through group discussions, students will have a deeper understanding of the relevant sustainable development goals, understand the difficulties the world is facing, and develop their international outlook.
Time 時間6th March 2022 (Sun) 18:30-20:30
Venue 地點NDHU Management Building Room B103  東華大學理學院B103教室
Registration Form 報名表https://forms.gle/T4UmR1hT7sTCMJA46
*Event will be conducted in English