ESA for All Ecologists Aug 6-11 2023

ESA for All Ecologists

2023 Annual Meeting

August 6-11 2023 | Portland, Oregon, USA

The field of ecology has much to offer in addressing pressing ecological problems at all scales. Ecologists working in the private sector (e.g., as consultants, for industry, or in NGOs) and public sector (for resource management agencies or regulatory bodies) are the professionals most responsible for transferring ecological science to effectively manage, conserve, and restore species and ecosystems. The ESA annual meeting provides a tremendous opportunity to engage private- and public-sector ecologists with academic ecologists who generate the science; however, this opportunity has historically largely been missed due to a lack of programming that would attract non-academics. This year’s theme seeks to help create an ESA for All Ecologists by providing programming and inviting sessions that better engage private- and public-sector ecologists by highlighting projects that are implementing ecological science, collaborating across sectors, educating future scientists and decision makers, and disseminating basic and applied ecology research to those who need it most.


Abstract Deadline Submission: 23 Feb 2023

Early Bird Registration Deadline: 22 June 2023

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