



台北醫學大學醫學人文研究所 副教授
Dr. Lin,Yih-Ren
Associate Professor, Chair, Graduate Institute of Humanities in Medicine, Taipei Medical University


Millet Ark: The Practices of Indigenous Traditional Ecological Agricultural Knowledge through Community Women




語言:中英文雙語 bilingual

本文藉由一個泰雅部落婦女所主導的小米文化復振行動與敘事,探討原住民傳統農業生態知識的內涵與價值。長久以來,關於原住民的傳統生態知識研究一直面對兩種實踐上的困境,本文嘗試從一個比較批判的角度來展開對於這些困境的檢討。第一種困境來自主流社會行之已久,從系統科學的角度對於原民在地知識的零碎、變動與脈絡化的特性投以高度不可適用性的疑問; 第二種困境則來自於行政官僚,特別是原民相關事務的主事者缺乏反省性地將各民族的傳統知識以去除當代連結的方式予以檔案化,所造成的知識失能與被動化的處境。面對這兩種困境,本文嘗試提出「處境化的知識」(situated knowledge)來重新勾勒原民傳統知識的活潑與可實踐的面貌,並且以新竹尖石後山的婦女所主導的「小米方舟」行動所凸顯的小米文化復振意義以及因應氣候變遷的全球危機作為案例來說明以上的觀點。

This talk will address an action and narrative about millet culture revitalization led by Tayal community women. The focus will be rest on the practice and value of indigenous traditional agricultural ecological knowledge. For a long time, the study of indigenous traditional ecological knowledge faces two main fundamental predicaments. This talk will critically review the situation and seek the way out. Firstly, the knowledge is often regarded as fragmented, outdated, changeable and contextualized so that it is not qualified from the systemic and normalized view of science. Secondly, it is the obstacle from the indigenous techno-bureaucratic system that tends to sterilize and archive the knowledge in a way of de-linking indigenous contemporary situation so that the knowledge becomes inert, passive and doomed to be preserved in the past time. This talk will argue from a perspective of situated knowledge to show a sensitive, adaptive, lively and practical dimension of indigenous knowledge. This case of “millet ark” action initiated by Tayal women in Hsin-Chu Chien-She district will be illustrated to justify the argument.
