GSS Activities: Zhixue Community Clean-up! 志學社區淨街去!11th Dec 2021 (Sat)

Zhixue Community Clean-up! 志學社區淨街去!
We noticed that Zhixue street has lots of trash around. So let’s help clean up our community and show the locals that we appreciate this place as much as them. We have all the tools necessary so all you gotta do is show up! Afterwards, we’ll use what we collected as an opportunity to talk about how we can reduce our own waste.
Date 日期 | 11th Dec 2021 (Sat)
Time 時間 | 10:00AM-12:00PM
Location|NDHU Back Gate
Notice 貼心小叮嚀|
1. This event is certified activity (2 hours), please search for "Zhixue Community Clean-up!" 本活動有自主學習時數2小時,請上跨域系統搜尋「 志學社區淨街去!」
2. This event will be conducted in English. 本次活動將以英語進行
3. Snacks will be provided so please bring your own containers and utensils. 此活動會提供小吃,請自備容器和餐具。
CES Graduate Students Society (GSS)
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