GSS Activities: CES Eco Film Fest - My Octopus Teacher 16th Dec 2021 (Thurs)

Greetings to you! Come join our CESEFF's third documentary screening, "My Octopus Teacher". For those who thought the first two films were a little heavy with the content, this one is different. A very interesting and inspiring look at the majestic octopus. We have seen it before and it blew us away. We highly recommend it. Hope to see you tomorrow!
我們期待在今晚環境影展的第二部紀錄片 “ My Octopus Teacher ” 與您會面。對於那些認為前兩部電影內容有點沉重的人來說,這部電影大有不同。可以在這部紀錄片觀賞雄偉的章魚非常有趣和鼓舞人心。我們以前見過這部紀錄片了,它讓我們大吃一驚。所以我們強烈推薦這部紀錄片喔!希望明天可以見到您們!
Date 日期: 16th Dec 2021(Thurs)
Time 時間: 19:00-21:00
Location 地點 : Seminar Hall, College of Environmental Studies (環境學院講堂)
*Please wear mask by following the instructions from CDC Taiwan*
*If your friend would like to join this activity, feel free to register on the spot*